
happy easter

We had a wonderful Easter here. Friday night as is our tradition we colored our eggs. This year we tried dunking as our coloring method. Zac and I both agreed we liked last years sponge painting method better after Andrew accidentally spilled purple dye all over. Saturday the kids received their Easter baskets. I left a trail of eggs from their rooms down to the baskets. Andrew stopped and opened each egg on the way to see what was inside. Sunday was a good day too. We have 1pm church so there was no hurry to get ready. The kids were even happy to take some pictures in their Easter finery. We had our traditional egg salad sandwiches (got to eat those Easter eggs somehow) then we were off to church. After church we went to one of our favorite beaches for a walk and a family picture. Anne was so confused as to why so many people were swimming at the beach on Sunday. I told her that they just don't believe in keeping the Sabbath day holy like we do. She said, "Mom, maybe they just don't know the Sunday rules yet." So true Anne, so true.


helping daddy at work

As many of you know Zac will be starting a fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology in July. Well he has been anxious to get a bit of a head start. He has been learning by watching how to do the echo of the heart, but in order to really learn he must have an actual heart to look at. Anne was more than happy to volunteer. Andrew was too worried about his daddy "looking" at his heart. One can only imagine what his three year old mind was thinking. So down to the hospital we went. Zac spent about an hour getting acquainted with Anne's heart. She was so excited to see her "real" heart. It really was neat to see and Anne was such a good patient.


st. patrick's day shopping

Turns out we had the "luck of the Irish" today as we ventured out to the Waikele Outlet Stores. I went to get a shirt for Andrew for Easter and came home with tons of excellent deals. As you all know we are moving to Pittsburgh this June. For those of you who really know me you know I like to be prepared for the changing of the seasons clothes wise. In other words I have always shopped at the end of each season for the next year. Today was a good day. I was able to get sweaters and pants for both the kids...that is if they don't have a huge growth spurt between now and September.

Today the kids were little angels in the store so we decided to take a ride on the Waikele Trolley. Nothing exciting for me, but they really love it. We rode it down to Old Navy, shopped some more then rode it back up to the outlets. A perfect end to our shopping day.

the hunt

Andrew had a fun day at school on Thursday. First they made these cute bunnies out of a toilet paper roll then they finished their bunny basket made out of a juice carton. Then to top it all off they had a Easter egg hunt. I have to admit that when I looked around I didn't see too many eggs myself. I just thought someone had hidden them really well. Andrew started looking but then said, "Mommy you help me I don't see any." Well come to find out someone had forgotten to hide most of the eggs! The helper quickly hid the rest and then Andrew was off. He had a blast.


grandma sweetheart

We just had the most wonderful impromptu visit from my mom. She and I were talking last Monday about when would be a good time for a visit. We were both searching the Internet for good prices. She entered in the next day just for kicks and found it was a excellent price. So she flew out Tuesday night! We had so much fun. We talked, she taught me how to make her bread, she wrestled with the kids, we went shopping, she sent Zac and I out on a date then cleaned the whole house while we were gone, then the next day she took the kids to the beach while we had our Open House! She really was a life saver and came at the perfect time. I really enjoyed having a friend to hang out with all week long. Love you Mom!

While she was here she did Anne's hair everyday. Everyone was totally amazed by all her diferent hair styles. Anne just loved it. Whenever anyone would say anything to her about her hair she would tell them, "My grandma sweetheart is here visiting and she does my hair now." She was so sad when I just did her hair today in a plain old ponytail. I guess there are just some thing that only grandmas can do. This is the hair do that she did on Anne on Sunday for church. After church Anne insisted on doing Grandma's hair. See the picture above.


mom's bread

One of my yummiest memories growing up was my mom's whole wheat bread. It really was a wonderful day when she made her bread. There was the time we spent watching her mix the bread, then how she would roll it out then spank each loaf to get all the air bubbles out, then there was the smell. Oh how I love the smell of her bread cooking. After the bread would come out there would be the contest over who would be the lucky one to get the "caboose" or the "heel" of the bread. My mom would say, "Who wants the caboose?" And then the first one of us six who said "I do!!" would get the coveted slice smothered in butter.
I have always wanted to learn how to make her bread but I lacked certain tools of the trade. First I didn't have the all important Winter White Wheat. Second, I didn't have a Bosch, only a sad Kitchen Aid which couldn't mix six loaves even if I tried. Third, I didn't have the dough enhancer - the true secret of my mom's bread. When my mom visited last October she brought me a few bags of her wheat flour...that was one of the things I needed. Then with her visit this week she brought the next tool. The dough enhancer. She told me I didn't need the Bosch because she could walk me through the recipe for just two loaves instead of the six that she makes.
So mom walked me through the process and I have to say I was so delighted with the finished product. Not only did my kitchen smell like heaven but my stomach and taste buds were also truly satisfied. Mom and I ate the round loaf for out lunch! So yummy. Thanks mom!