
Andrew's New Sprinkler

What a wonderful birthday present for a boy who loves to be outside and in water! Cousins, Conner and Colin gave this to Andrew for an early Birthday gift, and we finally tried it out today for the first time. Anjuli had been a bit worried at first that it wouldn't fit in our yard but as you can see it is just perfect. Not only was it fun for the kids but it was great for my lawn and flowers...got to love a two-in-one!

Here is Andrew being super intense with the water...

Anjuli, I bet when you bought this you didn't think you were buying a drinking fountain for my backyard!


Anonymous said...

cute pics! love all the wa shots!

Anjuli Fry said...

You are right that is the perfect size I am glad that it fits and that the kids are enjoying it. Thanks for posting these pictures. Colin enjoyed seeing them.