
Pumpkin Patch

Today we made the annual trek to the local pumpkin patch, "Anoun Farm" Pictured above are the pumpkins we would have picked if our superman had been with us. Unfortunately Zac is TDY for this week. He was missed. I had to keep asking the kids when they picked a pumpkin, "Can you carry that yourself?" In the end I carried both pumpkins to the car sweating profusely - two small pumpkins.
Andrew models his pumpkin for us...

This year Anne decided to go with the less traditional white pumpkin. I love it!


The Banyan Tree

Yesterday Zac was at work. I had tons of errands to run and dragged the kids around with me everywhere. I do believe in rewarding good behavior and because the kids were so well behaved I took them somewhere we haven't been in two years...our Banyan Tree swing.

Anne 2005---------------------Anne 2007

Andrew and Mom 2005------------------- Andrew 2007

For those of you who haven't seen a Banyan Tree I thought I would include a picture. These really are the most amazing trees. The tree sends out it's roots from the branches which grow down to the ground then into the ground forming a new trunk. The last time we visited this tree I think it might have been wider. They must have trimmed it back...so sad. Looking at the pictures from both visits I just can't believe that Anne was Andrew's age and Andrew was just a little guy. I can't believe how much they both have grown without me noticing.


The Force Is With Us

We are trying this new parenting technique in our home. Every day if the kids do the chores required of them they get a sticker on their chart and if they get a certain amount of stickers in a row then they earn Smiley Faces (I know what you are thinking Burton Clan - but it worked for us didn't it). Well Anne had earned enough smiley faces to choose something to buy. She has really been wanting a Light Saber. A Light Saber you say - isn't that more of a boy toy? Now let me explain. Star Wars in our home has become the new "in thing" Because Zac has been off work this week they have been watching it a lot. (I only let them watch it with Zac around) So off to Walmart we went while Zac was in the Priesthood Session on Saturday to get Anne her blue Light Saber. Two Walmarts later we met with success. Pictured here are some of their recent battles with the evil Lord Sith, Daddy who asked how much the Light Sabers were because I think now he wants one too.
These are their best Jedi faces - I asked them to smile but they said Jedi don't smile.

Chocolate muffins and General Conference

We have a tradition in our home. Because we live in Hawaii, General Conference starts bright and early at 6am. We watch it on the internet and are able to watch it when ever we want to throughout Saturday and Sunday. The one constant though it Costco muffins. Friday before conference I buy the pack of delicious muffins to eat during the Saturday and Sunday morning sessions. We set up a card table in our computer room and dine in...the kids love it, I love it. Plus as a added bonus the kids are sitting still and listening to the speakers, well at least until they are filled up with chocolate muffins (their current favorite).


Kaneohe Bay

My family is in town this week. Zac is off this week. Anne doesn't have school this week. So lots of fun to be had this week. Today we rented a Pontoon boat at Kaneohe Marine Base and we drove it out to the sand bar in the middle of Kaneohe Bay. We were a bit down hearted that it would dare rain on our fun but soon the kids were in the water and not minding a bit. (Pictured above is our fearless captain - Zac)

Left Picture is all of us just before we had to leave our sand bar. Right picture is the family plus a wonderful bonus - Uncle Rob visiting the island also!

This is the actual beach they used to film the opening credits in "Gilligan's Island" Not much to look at eh?

Can't pass up a beautiful view!

All the gang in the water...minus me of course! Isn't it so neat the kids could run out in the middle of the bay?

Grandpa Howie, Anne, and Andrew and their sandcastle.

Now the thing about this sand bar is that it just drops off all of a sudden. So everyone had a blast running then jumping in.