
the hunt

Andrew had a fun day at school on Thursday. First they made these cute bunnies out of a toilet paper roll then they finished their bunny basket made out of a juice carton. Then to top it all off they had a Easter egg hunt. I have to admit that when I looked around I didn't see too many eggs myself. I just thought someone had hidden them really well. Andrew started looking but then said, "Mommy you help me I don't see any." Well come to find out someone had forgotten to hide most of the eggs! The helper quickly hid the rest and then Andrew was off. He had a blast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! They forgot to hide the eggs? Glad they were able to fix that real quick, or they would have had a preschool revolt on their hands. We just had our Primary Spring activity on Saturday, and had a lot of fun doing Easter crafts and a hunt. We were glad that it was warm enough to hide the eggs outside.