

There is a certain magic about a box. This past couple of weeks I have seen my share of boxes. It's funny, every time I did see a box in the last little while it always made me happy. The first that all our stuff was finally arriving in boxes. The second being that I was taking my long lost items out of boxes. The third was seeing how much fun my kids found in a simple box. Who doesn't remember the much loved refrigerator box? Anyway, after so long not having any toys the kids were thrilled to have all there toys but as soon as they found how much fun the could have in the backyard rolling around in empty boxes the toys were put aside. One evening I was in the kitchen making dinner and Zac was outside in the backyard with the kids working on his firepit (I will post more later on this subject). I called the troops in for dinner only to have two very dirty kids enter my kitchen. They looked like they belonged on the movie OLIVER! When asked what they had been up to Zac told me they were both in one box and rolling around the backyard. You gotta love the fun that comes out of a box!


Unknown said...

Awesome! Yes, kids love boxes. I can just picture your kids looking like the cast from Oliver.

Mary said...

Yippee for boxes! We had a tenant get a new dishwasher in May and we adopted the box. Bridget has beaten and colored that thing to smitherings and I keep getting it to the door to recycle and then I can't make myself thinking of her sad little face. Fun!