
Easter 2013

The day started on Saturday with our egg hunt. Always fun. Zac hid the eggs this year so the kids were looking for quite a while.

Anne - 10 years and 11 months old

Jackson - 3 1/2  years old

Andrew - 8 years old (almost 9 he says)

Taking a good picture of 4 kids is that much harder. I am lucky to have 4 kids who usually cooperate. Love my kids!

Thomas - 8 months old


Pickly and Darlin come for a visit

 Darlin and Pickle came for a short visit over Easter weekend. We had a lot of fun. I had heard on the radio earlier that week about some kind of baseball game that was going on that weekend at the Alamo Dome. I mentioned it to everyone and we all agreed it would be a blast. So Saturday morning we did our Easter Egg hunt (pictures in the next post) and then told the kids we had a surprise. We didn't tell them until we walked up to the building. They loved it. We have so missed baseball while living here in San Antonio...we are so happy they planned a pre-season game here.

 I think Pickle might regret this picture but it made me laugh. They didn't want to get rid of their gum but they wanted those nuts! What better place to keep it then their noses. 


USS Lexington

We spent our second day in Corpus Christ at the USS Lexington, a WWII Air Craft Carrier. We had thought we would be there for just a few hours then spend the rest of the day at the beach. Turned out that we were there for a good six hours. It was so interesting. The kids had so much fun climbing all over the ship and Zac and I had fun learning so much about life on a air craft carrier. It was like a small floating village. We spent so much time that we ended up just driving home after. Another great day.

I would NOT have done well on these small bunks. I need my pillow top mattress.

The kids thought the beds were cool and asked if we could get a triple bunk bed at home. 

Dr. Jackson taking care of a sick seaman in the doctor's office.