

So a few weeks ago I joined the YMCA. It has been great so far. Andrew and I go every morning after we drop Anne off at school so as not to get distracted with anything else. They have a fabulous child watch center there which Andrew loves...he calls it his school. So far I have tried a few of the classes. My favorites so far are the Pilates and the Hi-Lo classes. Hi-Lo is pretty much a flash back to when I was a kid and my mom would turn on Jane Fonda and we would dance around the living room...only harder. This week I have been taking advantage of their machines up stairs. I love the bike and the treadmill - mostly I love being able to do both! Yes, I do have my own treadmill...but does it have child care? No. All the machines have TVs attached which has been nice. A friend came up behind me while I was on the treadmill and started laughing. She found it humorous that I was watching the Food Network while exercising. I call it motivation!


Holly said...

That is awesome! I am a much better mom when I am excercising. Isabella loves going to the gym. She asks me every morning if we can go. She's my little motivation.

Kim said...

I love my YMCA! Never had them in Utah! Ella also loves the child watch....sold my treadmill at the last garage sale....Love, love, love the YMCA!

Sara said...

Great music...I do also love going to the Y when the kids are in school. Is that man crazy...watching the food network is motivational!!!

Havalah Turner | Sisters, What! said...

ya, I went to the gym with a friend as a trial and I found it so funny that all of the tv's had food channels on them. Oh and they were healthy foods, they were all junk. But I did learn some new cooking tricks.