

We played in rocks...

went down slides...

watched big brother playing...

enjoyed cool hairdos...

and hung upside down. Thank you sun!!!

spring training

Both Anne and Andrew are signed up for T-Ball this spring. Andrew is especially nervous and has been waiting for the weather to clear so we could pratice down at the park near our house. Zac took the kids to the store to pick out a new "big kid" bat (not plastic) and we all head down to the park for a little practice.

Yes, even I hit a few. Doesn't Andrew take great pictures?

Watch out boys...Anne has quite the swing.

Our pitcher. I tried to throw Zac a few but he hit one right back at me so fast that it hit me in the chest...don't worry I am OK. What is it with Zac and me playing ball together? I always end up getting hurt (if you don't know our baseball story ask me sometime). Zac is VERY sorry. Thus ended my pitching time.

Jackson just hung around and spit bubbles...

and practiced sucking his thumb.

After baseball we had to hit the swings for a bit. Jackson loves swinging. Being in the swing gives him time to suck on his fingers some more.

This was a great start to our spring break.



We found somewhere really yummy to visit last Saturday - Baldinger's. Baldinger's is a old time candy store with all the new good stuff. They have a penny section, a 10 cent section, and a bulk candy section so you can pick out all your favorites. Anne was thrilled when we told her she could pick out 10 items. She went right up to this HUGE chocolate bunny and asked if that could be one of her items. She is so smart...and sneaky. My favorite find was similar to a Reese's Pieces Cup only instead of peanut butter it was marshmallow...so yummy. Oh, and they had Cinnamon bears. Haven't had those in years.

They had chocolate in tons of different shapes. Anne got one in the shape of a horse and a baseball mitt.

It was so funny. Andrew said more then once as we walked through the store..."I hate candy." People around us chuckled. He did manage to find a few toys instead.

This 82 year old lady and her sister run the store...here she is cranking the cash register. She said she had to crank it so many times because it only went up to 9.99 so if you bought more then that it had to be rung up as a separate purchase.

The foreign candy.

They had tons of sprinkles too...

Oh did I mention the cookie cutters. They came in every shape and size.

They still write every purchase down by had and add it up in their heads. She was pretty fast.


st. patty's day

Although not one of my favorite holidays I decided to "green" it up for the kids for dinner. I made them green eggs, green pancakes, green milk, and green sprinkle cookies. The kids were a bit sceptical and it made for some very silly eating but it ended happy.

Yes, those are crumbs in Andrew's hair...not sure how they got there. Like I said, silly eating.


Although not the right day we decided to head on over to Punxsutawney, PA to see our weather man Groundhog Phil. We had fun. It was freezing...I would recommend visiting in the summer. We went up to Gobler's Knob and saw where Phil peeks his little head out every February 2nd. We visited Phil, although he was currently sleeping after such a exhausting work schedule. We were disappointed to find that the movie "Groundhog Day" (one of our favorites) wasn't really filmed here...it was somewhere in Indiana...bummer. I guess now we can say we've been there done that.

On the drive over we saw this sign and thought it was pretty funny saying "ya right."

A few miles later we saw this and then stopped laughing.

Ya, I am a bad mom...I wore my coat and didn't make the kids wear theirs. Oops.



Can someone tell me why my mom is feeding me this yucky stuff? She knows it's yucky (she tried it) and she is still stuffing it into my mouth. Why can't they make this baby food more yummy like the cookie my dad gave me the other day. Now that was good. Please someone help me!


This is a typical position I find my boys in. Andrew comes in from school finds Jackson, lays almost on top of him and lets him play with his face. I was so worried that with a five year difference between them they wouldn't be "buddies" but I don't think I have much to worry about. Already Andrew can make Jackson laugh like none of us can. When I am feeding Jackson and Andrew comes in the room, Jackson follows him around with his eyes. Looks like the years don't matter for now.

jackson - 5 months

Not a lot happening around here except this little guy getting bigger every day. Here are some of his latest accomplishments:
* Drooling large amounts
* He has a tongue thing...loves to stick it out at us
* Loves playing airplane with Dad
* Figured out how to get his hands out of his sleep time swaddle....mom is not sure what to do as he wakes up every time he does this. Why oh why don't they make those in XL?
*Got his first pair of shoes...they help keep his socks on...mom loves that.
*Although only 5 months he is now wearing 6-9 month stuff and very close to the next size. Guess he got his Dad's length.
* Still a very wonderful baby. Mom doesn't know what she did to deserve such sweetness.